Tuesday 12 November 2013

My first pitch idea- Outbreak.


      After weeks of rumors that an infectious disease has  been spreading around the world, and causing  increasingly worrying symptoms among sufferers,  Kris Johnson’s life is about to change forever.
      Knocked unconscious after a fight with a ‘friend’, Kris   awakens to a changed world. With no signs of life  around, his town has been evacuated, and he is all  that is left. His goal now is simple. Try and find some  sort of help, in an abandoned, lifeless wasteland, with  no connections to the outside world. Or maybe not so  simple, then.
     A thrilling horror, with adventure thrown in for good   measure, ‘Outbreak’ is an awesome experience.
     We want to aim this film at an audience of 16+, due  to some graphic and violent content. Obviously Kris is  the main character, however he will have some  company along the way.

     The film will be set in Tamworth, more specifically   across certain areas in Tamworth, like Hopwas  woods. 

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