Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Final Pitch idea- 'The Forest'

The Forest.

The sequence begins with a shot of the forest. The only sounds that you can hear are that of birds, and the wind blowing in the trees.
       Next we simply see the feet of one of the two main characters, a male, rushing through the forest. We hear their heavy breathing and the sound of leaves being rustled as they run. It then cuts immediately to the side of this character running, at a reasonable distance then back to the feet as they unknowingly break a stick lying on the forest floor.
      Then the first flashback, of 3 characters in school talking about going camping. It will be a relatively short clip, with not too much dialogue involved. This will be followed by a return back to the forest, as the boy continues to attempt to flee whatever is chasing him.
      The second flashback, will be also set in the forest, however it will be an extreme long shot of the 3 characters, two girls and two boys, walking towards the camera off in the distance, approaching the camera. 
      Then we will learn about a possible cause of his attempt to flee the forest, as the third and final flashback will take us back to when the 3 characters were setting up camp, from the point of view of someone else, looking through the trees at their prey.

      A second male character then appears. He is also running. What from? The same thing? His face shows fear similar to the other boy. He is looking back and forth. Whatever he is looking for, he would rather not find. 

     Then disaster, he falls. His foot catches a loose tree root. He can do nothing to stop his fall, face first into the dirt. His lack of control over his body, represents the hopeless lack of control he has over the situation. He looks up, finally seeing his impending doom standing right in front of him. What he wanted to avoid he has found. He looks up slowly.


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