Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Prelim Task Evaluation.

Preliminary Task Evaluation...


For our preliminary task we had to make a movie scene, involving two actors walking into a room and talking to each other. It needed to contain several techniques used at the correct times in the correct ways. There is a match on action, an eye-line match, and a shot reverse shot. It also all needed to obey the 180 degree rule.

The 180 degree rule, used in all films, is based around the idea that once you have established an angle at which you are filming, an imaginary line, or an axis is created that goes straight through the middle of the two characters. This is the rule and it should not be broken, by the filming going past this imaginary line.

The match on action is when you match a long or medium shot to a close up of the same action, and was used when Kelly and me (the actor and actress) enter the room to escape the noise they heard, and whatever it came from. We also used one right at the end of the video, as I handed a mobile phone to Kelly. We decided to use these in these situations to make it easier to see what was going on, and to enhance to tension. 

We used an eye-line match, showing both faces over the others' shoulder, when the characters were engaging dialogue, to show the emotion on both faces.

As for the shot reverse shot, we used that with the eye-line match, to get both characters emotions in back to back shots.

Overall, the film making process went well, as we had a plan before shooting, and we knew where we wanted to go to get the clips. Our storyboard definitely helped with that. It was sometimes hard to get clips however, as we needed patience to wait for the right moment when the area we needed was quiet. We wanted the clips to be free of any unwanted people in the background, and we basically did that.

I learned a lot about editing on Adobe Premiere, which i think will become very useful in the future. I learned a lot about basic editing, as well as adding titles, music and other effects. I found out about making clips flow, and also about finding and adding sound effects.